Mastery in Professional Management – Content, Conditions, Validity
Management as a Profession, Personal Evaluation and Certification
The objective of the training/workshop is to establish, together with the participants, a link between management and mastery, with a view to producing models on how this concept would apply in practice. The discussions will be from generic to specific i.e. as we begin to understand how mastery applies in the current age we will determine the mastery horizon for each participant’s career. Although it is assumed that participants have basic knowledge about managerial skills and management tools these skills and tools will be discussed within the context of mastery. A unique, contemporary approach will be presented in Strategic Management and Management Roles will also be emphasized.
Each participant will be presented with an individual book of “Journey of Mastery” which will be filled during discussions and will be reviewed/updated throughout their careers. The aim here is for participants who earn their living as Professional Managers and who wish to advance in their careers to broaden their horizons, to help them ask the right questions and to lead them in preparing an individual road map. The content has been developed using Management Science and Business literature, major books on the subject, internet research and personal experiences of the training consultants. Underlining the content and delivery is the 21st Century educational approach and Industry 4.0 Critical Skills.
In this Blended Learning Program, participants will apply and evaluate their mastery while running a simulation company. As they manage the simulated company over several rounds they will make notes about their levels of mastery in various areas and fill their Journey of Mastery booklets. With short lectures before each round the participants will be reminded of the exploratory discussions held before. The simulation will allow them to make individual and collective mistakes and have learning moments in a safe environment. Participants will have the basis on which to determine their own definition of mastery in their careers and decide which of the roadmaps mentioned in the Journey of Mastery booklet apply to their experience and aspirations.
1. Mastery – Broad Perspective
i. Profession, Artizanal, Trade
ii. Documentation, Certification, Regulatory Environment
iii. Organizational Mastery, “Guru”, Spirituality and Motivation
iv. Living Examples (chess, eastern practice, western discipline)
2. Mastery – Management Science and Business Administration
i. Professional License
ii. Management, Profession, Mastery
3. Mastery in Management – Areas of Expertise
i. Managerial Mindsets
ii. Managerial Tools
iii. Management Skills
iv. Managerial Roles
v. Managers’ Essential Duty – Strategy
4. Can a Process be Developed for Mastery in Management
5. Can Management “Gurus” Enlighten the Way
6. Roadmap for Individual Careers
7. Resources for Development